Group Fitness Classes
Lana’s group fitness classes provide a comprehensive and well-rounded program for both men and women of all ages and levels of fitness in a fun and casual atmosphere.
Expect an exciting blend of strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, exercises to improve coordination, balance, posture, and flexibility. This multidimensional plan is developed with an idea to safely maximize the benefits of exercise possible to achieve in a one hour class.
Lana’s fitness program will keep you challenged. There are always options between “level up” and “level down” exercises to choose from. The class plans and formats change every day. This strategy helps to avoid falling into boring routines and it also guarantees continuous progress.
Private health coaching
"I offer one-on-one and small group in-home nutrition advice and fitness training in Lincoln, Concord, Weston, and Wayland areas.
I help my clients learn to live a healthier lifestyle, develop good nutritional habits and implement a variety of exercise options in their lives.
When we meet for a session we focus on whatever challenge is the greatest at the moment: be it exercise technique or making choices at the grocery store, learning how to cook healthy meals or learning to manage daily schedule to create a healthy balance of responsibilities and self-care."

"I've made a habit of steering clear of organized exercise classes. They're sweaty, boring, and really hard work. Almost four years ago a neighbor dragged me to one of Lana's classes on a frigid January morning. It WAS hard work but it was also something totally unexpected: fun. Lana's infectious positive attitude and her well-timed sense of humor are empowering. It's possible to be 58 and feel, for the first time in my life, strong and powerful. It is a fact that Lana's instruction has changed my body type to a large degree. But that's not really why I show up anymore. I feel happier and more energetic on a Lana day. She can make you see your world in a new, more joyful way. I'd say run, don't walk to her class- but walk, you'll need the reserves once you're moving to the beat of the music in the warm-up."
Mandy Young
"I met Lana 3 or 4 years ago. When I first came to her class, I was overweight and discouraged - believing that there was little or no hope for me to get healthy. During the first class, I had trouble transitioning from each exercise to the next. Just getting up and down from the floor to standing presented a great deal of challenge. At the end of that first class, two folk a quite bit older than me approached and said 'Dear it will get better' and it has. Lana reminded me, each and every class- 'Sally, all you have to do is show up' and that is exactly what I did and it paid off. In addition to being a great exercise motivator, Lana gave me lots of ideas about eating in a healthy way and she put me on to the website 'My Fitness Pal' which helped me track my eating/exercise/and weight. Tracking my progress was exciting. Finally, this year I have put it together - eat well and exercise consistently and you will become healthier. My blood pressure has come down and as my cholesterol and triglicorides (sic). I have some 40 more pounds to go but I am well on my way with Lana's help. Warm and encouraging, Lana is a superb teacher able to tailor each exercise to meet ones individual needs. She is also a great role model- just seeing how great she looks and what she can do is inspiring! "
Sally Kindleberger
"Right now, I think I am in the best shape of my life. While lots of other people may be able to say the same thing, the odd thing about this is that I am a septuagenarian. There is absolutely no doubt that training in Lana's fitness classes has done this for me. Training with Lana has increased not only my strength and endurance but also my flexibility and even balance. What has been especially nice is that Lana is always willing to modify for individual needs - something she has done for me on more than one occasion. Sure we sweat, sure we groan, we may even complain, but the truth is we all love the class, not only because of what it does for us physically, but because Lana makes it fun!
And yes, there is the vanity aspect. Recently, wearing a sleevless dress, I was pleasantly surprised to be complimented on my triceps! "
Davida Loewenstein

About lana
Lana Israel grew up in the Soviet Union and post Soviet Russia and immigrated to the US in 1999. She was raised in a military family where she learned her work ethic. Exercise and nutrition were an important part of Soviet education, and that’s where the roots of her interest in teaching exercise and healthy lifestyle began. Her philosophy for exercise is to have a holistic approach, always measure risks versus benefits and put common sense before popular fads. She doesn’t believe in creating a clinical atmosphere in exercise classes. Humor is important!
Her personal interests are languages, history, cultures of the world, Bollywood dance, travel, space exploration, and evolutionary psychology.
lana Israel
Health and Fitness Coach